Monday, May 19, 2014

Motivation Monday


This is one of my favorite hashtags. I love the idea of replacing all the negativity surrounding Mondays with some positivity! If our outlooks have any impact on our lives at all, most of us are sabotaging our weeks by starting with such gloomy outlooks. 

The past few weeks I have set big Monday fitness goals for myself. This way, the rest of the week looks easy! No big workout to dread, just easy ones compared to what I have accomplished. Also, those goals keep me focused on something worthy of my attention, which in turn keeps my attention away from all the negative Monday mumbo jumbo. 

Every Monday I am required to get at least 20,000 steps logged on my FitBit to progress to the next task in my real life fitness game. (I'll write a post detailing all of this later in the week... possibly tomorrow depending on time, it should suffice to say that I have broken my fitness into tasks which make up levels just like a video game.) However, each Monday I have also been increasing my daily goal by 1,000 steps. So in order to progress in my little game I need 20,000 steps but to meet my Monday goal I need to get 23,000 steps. It's a lot and it won't be easy but I know I can do it! 

I plan to make my Mondays EPIC! I will NOT participate in this Gloomy Gus nonsense  any longer! 

Want to join me in celebrating #MotivationMonday? Just comment here with your BIG goal for the day!! 

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