Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
-Ephesians 4:29
How much do words matter? Does it really matter what terminology we use in conjunction with regards to our health and fitness?
I am a book person, a word lover. I adore the art of words; the nuanced difference between lovely and beautiful, ancient and old, rain and downpour. So naturally, on my journey to better fitness, I find myself considering the power of the words I use in relation to that endeavor. This is not new ground, many have done studies on the words we use and their impacts on our success, for example the difference between can't and don't. Scientifically speaking it seems words matter a lot and that the terminology we use can make or break a decision to get healthier. The words we use speak directly to our subconscious. When we tell our brain, "we can't do that" it rebels. It feels restricted and punished, consequently we feel miserable. When we tell our minds, "we don't do that" we are telling it something strong. We tell our brain, "we are strong enough to not do that." This is also why I don't like "cheat" days. You're setting yourself up to feel bad about the choices you make that day. The word cheat implies that you are doing something wrong. Weak, villainous, jerks cheat. Heroes don't cheat. Thus you are telling your brain that you're not strong enough.
With this in mind, I hereby resolve to be more conscious in the words I use. I resolve to replace can't with don't. I resolve to tell myself something empowering everyday. I resolve to stop calling myself fat and to stop using words that make me feel guilty for normal behaviors, such as "cheat".
Just as we must feed our bodies nutrient rich foods, we must feed our souls nourishing words. Tell yourself positive and encouraging things everyday. Likewise, as we must strengthen our muscles by lifting heavy things (dumb bells, bar bells, or our own bodies) we must strengthen our spirit with weighty words. Words that make us FEEL strong (like don't as opposed to can't).